30th Nov 2021

First DB superfund approved by The Pensions Regulator

Today, The Pensions Regulator provided its stamp of approval to the first UK DB off balance sheet superfund. It is this type of innovation that will change members’ lives for the better, and we at 20-20 Trustees are thrilled that this day has arrived.

There is now more choice, and for members of schemes too well funded to go into the PPF, but with insufficient assets to secure full benefits, superfunds are a fantastic opportunity to get to buy-out over time, in situations where time would have otherwise run out.

Tom Stockley, Trustee Director at 20-20 Trustees and a restructuring specialist commented “we have worked with a number of schemes in distressed situations where there was no option but to obtain security of members pensions in exchange for a reduction to benefits. However, excitingly, with the dawning of this new era, for many such schemes, the need to compromise member benefits may be a thing of the past.”

Nadeem Ladha, Trustee Director and Head of 20-20 Trustee’s Risk Transfer Team added “A huge amount of effort has gone into the successful approval of the first DB Superfund in the UK, and it has paid off. The potential benefit of this sort of consolidation for members, sponsors and trustee boards is immense. We are confident that we will now witness some ground-breaking transactions taking place and are thrilled that there is now another option available to trustee boards and sponsors in the journey to securing members benefits in full”.