This year marks 20-20 Trustees 40th birthday. From humble beginnings to almost tripling in size since 2017, we’re meeting the team that make the magic happen. This week we meet Mark Johnston.
I’m a Trustee Director, and part of the Risk Transfer team. It sees me working with all the stakeholders to ensure the schemes are on a clearly defined and agreed journey plan… all to ensure good member outcomes and long-term security for their benefits.
Sport and cooking. They take up most of my time outside of work! I cycle quite a lot and have recently completed a Hardest Hundred event in Yorkshire, which coincided with a heat wave!
I wanted to be a bank manager. No, seriously! After doing some work experience in the Poynton branch of a well known bank, I changed my mind!
My heart is in comedy! So my dream dinner guests would be Tommy Cooper (for his short jokes and “magic”), Bob Mortimer (for his slapstick and genuine personality) and the Big Yin, Billy Connolly. I was given a cassette tape of his Live at the Royal Albert Hall; it expanded my vocabulary at the age of 12, and I’ve loved him ever since!
The industry’s changed massively. There’s so much more innovation and new ideas being generated constantly, all to help schemes on their path. When I first worked in the industry, securing a buyout was very rare and felt to be an aspirational target. Often, the trustee and company relationships were very distant. Now, our schemes have clear, collaborative journey plans and, for the vast majority of the schemes, buy-out is very much achievable.

Better Call Saul. It’s my favourite thing on TV; I think it’s even eclipsed Breaking Bad. As for films, my favourite is one called the ‘Hunt For The Wilderpeople’; Sam Neill is fantastic and I’d watch anything directed by Taika Waititi!
I’m hoping to officially open a new supermarket soon… Following my recent TV debut! Plucking up the courage to do a live Asset TV debate was probably my most recent 20-20 highlight.
I saw Man Utd win! It was part of my 40th birthday celebrations. I then had my closest friends round for a house party, and also went out for a meal with my extended family. Yes, I milked it!
I went on a staycay. It was to Centre Parcs at Whinfell Forest. It was a fantastic holiday for the kids… just don’t ask me about the price of a pint of Guinness!
Pensions will certainly not be a dull ride! Stay true to your core beliefs, take your time to progress and your career will flourish. They’d be my top tips to my younger self.
With over 40 years-experience in trusteeship, 20-20 Trustees is an award-winning professional independent trustee organisation, committed to making a difference in the world of pensions. Whatever your trustee requirement, we can help. Get in touch today!